The dunnhumby Key Performance Report is a monthly report which allows access to detailed customer performance metrics in order to proactively track the health of supplier product ranges against a subcategory benchmark and drive strategic business decision making, whilst enabling a common language for conversations with Tesco.
Ongoing visibility of detailed product performance enables proactive, strategic decision making which is crucial for driving short- and longer-term sales growth. Understanding which metrics are driving both strong performance and weak performance for individual products allows you to identify levers for growth
Contextualising the performance of your product range against the subcategory provides an additional lens to set targets and optimise your strategy
Access to in depth customer metrics enriches the conversation with your Tesco team and creates a common language that you can both align to and track progress against
Multiple data visualisations available in the report with functionality to export all/select elements of the data set to excel
Sign up
Online report delivered via an automated email link on a monthly basis
Immediately start using KPIs to draw insights and action plan
The online report is intuitive to navigate for visibility of product performance